Title: Love is Blind

Author: Mystic

E-mail: vanilla_fantasy99@yahoo.com

Feedback: Of course

Archive: List archives are fine anyone else just ask

Rating: G-NC-17

Pairing: Chris/Joey

Status: complete

Parts: 2 of 3

Summery: Joey is a huge star. Chris is his assistant. Chris is madly in love with Joey. Joey is a little blinded. Will he see is before its to late.

Warnings: attempted suicide.



Joey looked in Chris’s bedroom and didn’t see him. He looked in his bedroom and didn’t see him. He tried opening the bathroom door and found it locked. “Chris you in there?”


Chris froze. The pills were half way to his mouth. He cleared his throat and said, “Yea I’m in here.”


Joey sighed, “Good open the door. I wanna talk to you. I have something important to ask you.”


Chris hurried to put the pills back in the container. Snapping the lid back on he put them hide his back. Opening the door just a crack he asked, “What?”


“Can I come in? Or can you come out here?” Joey asked


Chris nodded and opened the door farther. He stepped aside so Joey could come in. “What did you need?” He asked. He kept his hand behind his back and a firm grasp on the pill bottle.


Joey was about to start talking when he noticed Chris acting a little suspicious.  “What are you hiding behind your back?”


Chris gulped and shook his head. “Nothing.”


Joey advanced on to Chris and quickly reached around an grabbed the bottle.  Bring it around so he could see it. He watched Chris bow his head in shame.  Reading the label he discovered they were sleeping pills. “Why do you have these Chris?”


Chris felt the unwanted tears rolling down his tears. “I need them to sleep sometimes. When you have tricks over I have a hard time sleeping.” It wasn’t a lie that is why he had them. He would pop 4 of them and lay down. He couldn’t stand to hear Joey and some nameless person having sex.


Joey swallowed hard. He hadn’t realized how badly Chris had been hurting. ‘I am such a bad person. My God how could I have not noticed this.’ He opened the bottle and saw how many were missing. He frowned and read the bottle date again. “Chris there is only half a bottle left and you have only had this a week.”


Chris shrink back at the tone Joey was using. He cried harder and the sobs came forward. He listened to Joey rant. He finally stood up and said, “Do you want to know why I take these?”


Joey nodded, “Yes I want to know why.”


Chris sighed and said in the same hollow voice that he had used with Tom before, “Fine. I take them because I can’t stand to hear you having sex with those nameless tricks. I have loved you since the moment I met you. You have never noticed me. It hurts me so much to hear you night after night having meaningless sex with everyone.”


Joey stood rooted in place. He was beyond shocked. He reached out to Chris and pulled him into his arms. He sighed and rocked Chris back and forth. “Why did you have them out now? I didn’t have anyone hear you could gone to bed without them.”


Chris buried his face in Joey’s chest mumbled through the reason he had them out. “I was going to take them all. I just wanted all the hurting to end. I knew you couldn’t love me so I was just going to end it.”


Joey stood stock still again not believing what he was hearing. “You were going to kill yourself?” When Chris nodded Joey picked him up in his arms and held him.


Chris let his head fall onto Joey’s shoulder. He was so wiped out from everything. He tuned back into what Joey was saying. He couldn’t believe what he was hearing.


Joey began rambling. “I watched you leave tonight after you let that Cameron kid in. I saw the tears in your eyes and I started thinking. I made that Cameron kid leave and I sat and thought for a while. Then it became so clear. I love you Chris. I can’t imagine what my life would be like without you. I don’t want those nameless tricks and meaningless sex anymore. I want you.” He set Chris back down on his feet and pushed him away. He looked him in the eyes and said, “The question I need answer is do you really want me?”


Chris nodded and half smiled, “Yes I want you a lot.”


Joey smiled and leaned to kiss Chris. He kissed him gently at first then more thoroughly. He slipped his tongue between Chris’s pink lips. The kiss was everything they had both been dreaming about. When they pulled back Joey said, “Wow.”


Chris stared wide-eyed at Joey and nodded, “Yea wow.” He tried to stifle a yawn but wasn’t every good at hiding it from Joey.


Joey saw the yawn and unwrapped his arms from around Chris’s waist. “Come on you need some sleep. You have an emotional night.” He steered Chris out of the bathroom and into his room. When Chris tried to question it Joey just interrupted him and said, “I want you to sleep with me tonight. I need you close.”


Chris nodded, “Okay.” He started to undress but Joey stopped him. Looking up in question Joey just smiled and said, “I’ll do it.” Chris relaxed into Joey’s touch. This was more then he could have ever hoped for. Still he wasn’t quite sure if he could trust these new feelings Joey had for him. It all seemed to good.


Joey slowly unbuttoned Chris’s dress shirt that he wore. He always looked so professional in his button up shirts and dress slacks. He finished unbuttoning the shirt and pushed it off Chris’ shoulders. Joey looked him up and down. He had a well-muscled chest. He reached to unbutton Chris’s khaki’s when he felt Chris stiffen. “Shh. We are going to take everything slow.” He placed a soft and chaste kiss on his lips. When Chris’s relaxed again Joey continued.


After undressing Chris to his boxers Joey pulled back the soft comforter and steered Chris over an laid him down. Pulling the comforter up over Chris he said, “I’ll be right back.”


Chris nodded his head and snuggled down into the soft pillow. He waited for Joey to come back.


Joey walked and told Tom what had happened. At Tom’s worried look Joey told him not to worry he wouldn’t let anything happen to Chris.  On his way back to the bedroom Joey turn back around, “Tom can call and cancel what ever meets Chris has written on the chalk board. I am going to spend the day with him tomorrow.”


Tom nodded, “Sure thing Joey.”


Joey nodded his thanks and head back to the bedroom.  He walked in and closed the door behind him. Stripping down to his boxers he climbed in beside Chris, who was already sleeping.  Joey snuggled up to Chris. He brushed the short hair off of his Chris’s forehead. He whispered, “Things are going to change now that I have you. I love you.” He kissed Chris’s forehead and snuggled in to sleep.

