Title: A Matt Hardy/Edge story
Author: Mystic
E-mail: vampire_diva23@yahoo.com
Rating: I can’t remember the rating system for the fanfics but its like Disney lol
Pairing: Edge/Matt with a side of John/Jeff Mentions of pervious Matt/Edge/Lita
Summary: Matt has to deal with the things between Edge and Matt
Disclaimer: I don’t own any of this.
Warnings: Not that I think of
Feedback is always welcome
Series: No
Archive: Levin can always have my stuff.
Edge sat in the locker room. Every once in awhile he looked at his used to be best friends, Matt and Jeff Hardy and he realized how lonely he was without them. Now that Christian was gone he didn’t have anyone. He finished packing his bag and looked one more time before he left the dressing room with a sigh.
Jeff watched him leave then looked at his brother, “Don’t you think that this thing with Edge has gone on long enough?”
Matt glared at Jeff, “He took Lita from me.”
Jeff shook his head; “Tell me that at the end you weren’t just in it for Edge anyway.”
Matt sighed, “You don’t understand Jeff. He chose her.”
Jeff nodded, “That’s what’s bothering you huh. He chose Lita. Did you ever get his side of the story?”
Matt shook his head, “What would he really have to say?”
Jeff shrugged, “Maybe that’s why you should talk to him.” He looked up when the door opened. He smiled brightly when he saw who it was.
John Cena grinned, “Hey babe you ready?”
Jeff grabbed his duffle, “Yea.” He walked over and kissed John. He turned around and looked at Matt, “Think about what I said okay?”
Matt shrugged, “Whatever.”
John and Jeff walked out of the locker room. “What was that all about?”
Jeff sighed, “Matt is being bull head as usual.”
John nodded, “Is this about Edge and Lita and him again?”
Jeff nodded, “Yea. I really wished he’d ask Edge about what happened I mean it might not even have been Edge’s fault.”
John looked at Jeff, “You think it was Lita.”
Jeff bit his lip; “I wouldn’t put it past her. She was always doing shit like this when they were bouncing between being a threesome and not.”
John nodded, “Yea that’s why threesomes between friends are
not a good idea.’
Jeff grinned and kissed John, “You talking from a experience?”
John chuckled, “Maybe.”
Jeff shook his head, “You’re my kinda guy you know that?”
John opened the door to the arena, “I hope so.”
Matt sat on the bench in the locker room with his head in his hands. He knew Jeff was right of course but all those nights that he and Edge had spent together. They had meant something to him.
He sighed and stood up. Grabbing his bag he walked out of the locker room and down the hall to leave the arena. He wanted to talk to Edge but then again he didn’t. Could his heart stand to broken again? He knew the answer to that question.
Matt walked into the hotel and over to the desk, “I’m here to check in.”
The desk clerk nodded, “Alright. Name?”
Matt smiled at the man. He was obliviously not a wrestling fan. “Matt Hardy.”
The clerk nodded, “My son watches wrestling and I’ve seen you but I didn’t know if you were Matt or Jeff.”
Matt chuckled, “Oh believe me you’d know my brother. He’s got blue hair at the moment.”
The clerk nodded, “That’s right. He’s the one my son loves. He’s even got purple hair right now.”
Matt laughed, “My brother has the effect on people.”
The clerk handed Matt his room key, “Here you are sir. Is there anything else I can do for you?”
Matt bit his lip, “Yea could I please have the room number for another wrestler. Adam Copeland?”
The clerk nodded, “Sure thing.” He typed the name into the computer, “304.”
Matt nodded, “Thank you very much sir.”
The clerk nodded, “Sure.”
Taking the elevator up to his floor Matt found his room and threw his stuff inside. He walked back out and down the hall to Edge’s room. Taking a deep breath he knocked on the door.
Edge jumped when someone knocked on the door, “Whose there?”
Matt cleared his throat, “Its me.”
Edge’s eyes widened. He opened the door slowly, “Matt?”
Matt smiled nervously, “Hi um can I come in?”
Edge nodded, “Um yea sure.” He stepped back from the door.
Matt smiled, “Thanks. Look I wanted to talk to you.”
Edge nodded, “Alright. What’s on your mind?”
Matt sighed and sat in a chair, “Look Edge I wanted to talk to you about what happened with us.”
Edge sighed and nodded his head. He knew this day would come and he just hoped that Matt didn’t throw any punches or at least not break anything.
Matt bit his lip, “Look Edge I know you think I hate you but I don’t really. Jeff pointed out to me today what I’ve been really mad about.”
Edge cocked his head to the side, “What’s that Matt?”
Matt stood up and walked over to the window. Looking out he started talking, “I wasn’t mad at you for taking Lita from me. Truth is in the end of it all I didn’t even want her anymore.” He turned around, “I wanted you and what made me mad was that you didn’t want me you wanted her.”
Edge cried softly, “I did want you. Lita told me that you didn’t want to be a threesome anymore and you were leaving us all together. I didn’t think you wanted me and Lita made me believe it.”
Matt walked over to Edge and wrapped his arms around him, “I did want you. I was thinking about ways to get Lita out and it just be me and you.”
Edge sniffled, “really?”
Matt nodded, “yes.” He lifted Edge’s face up toward his and kissed him softly.
Edge moaned and wrapped his arms around Matt, “I love you.”
Matt smiled, “I love you too.” He laid his head on Edge’s chest, “I’m glad that I let Jeff talk me into coming to talk to you.”
Edge smiled, “Me too. I”ve been so lonely.”
Matt placed small kisses on Edge’s chest, “You won’t be lonely anymore.”